Wellness2Life is an adaption and innovative progression of our researched Sport2life methodology in response to COVID-19. This programme is an integrated CAPS Curriculum and learner wellness intervention.

Learners throughout South Africa have been impacted negatively by the closing of schools and education facilities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The DBE 2020 draft framework for curriculum recovery post COVID-19 notes that “the prolonged school closure and home confinement during the disease outbreak might have negative effects on learners’ psychosocial health”. This document further states that:
“factors such as prolonged isolation, fears of infection, frustration and boredom, inadequate information, lack of in-person contact with classmates, friends, and teachers, lack of personal space at home, and family financial loss, can have even more problematic and enduring effects on learners”.
This interrupted learning, may be more severe for disadvantaged children and their families, especially those who relied on the school feeding programmes; physical educator contact; schools as a place of safety; whilst primary caregivers are out working and consequent economic cost to families who could not work. Children from lower socio-economic backgrounds are also less likely to participate in and benefit from the home-schooling efforts implemented during the lockdown period. Some of its causes are linked to factors outside the education system, such as personal, health or emotional difficulties, family problems or fragile socio-economic circumstances. Schools may not have the capacity to address all of the challenges learners will face when returning to schools in the short term. It is therefore essential for school management teams to work with organisations and partners with the appropriate expertise.
Physical, emotional, psychosocial and developmental learner support is crucial when schools return when the lockdown period is lifted. Sportstec believes that such support should focus on ensuring learner wellness in relation to COVID-19 through specific integrated LO methodologies and physical activity interventions which include healthy lifestyle choices.
The power of using physical activity in addressing social issues is of fundamental importance. Physical activity has the ability to directly and significantly influence the mental and emotional well-being of learners. Research suggests that physical activity can be effective at reducing stress, anxiety, and depression and has the ability to bring meaning and satisfaction to the lives of young people in a way that few other recreational activities can. Schools therefore need to provide safe environments for the participation of regular physical activity to address the well-being of learners.
The Wellness2Life programme methodology and strategic interventions works towards learners and educators reaching a stage within their personal transition processes where they are able to thrive within their schools and communities. To achieve these outcomes, Sportstec’s Wellness2Life programme strengthens learner’s resilience, self-confidence, self-determination, trust and motivation.
Learner wellness within this programme context is defined as: Learners having the capacity, will and drive to thrive whilst having to negotiate their immediate learning, socio-economic and emotional challenges.
Therefore, Sportstec designed the Wellness2Life programme to exclusively address the physical, mental, social and emotional well-being of learners as part of the broader Life Orientation Curriculum.