Sportstec have formed strategic partnerships with Government and Corporate South Africa (national, provincial and local), whereby we innovate solutions for systemic delivery of various physical education, school sport, community sport and sport for change models.
Department of Basic Education
Memorandum of Understanding
Sportstec has a MOU with the National Department of Basic Education. We are an official implementing partner of the National Department of Basic Education (DBE) within the Enrichment and Sport in Education Directorate. This partnership allows Sportstec to innovate systemic solutions and interventions for the Department of Basic Education in all South African schools.
Programmes include: physical education, intra school activities and inter school leagues, values in education and youth leadership. All programmes implemented by Sportstec are aligned with the Department of Education objectives, CAPS Curriculum, school code structures and priority sporting code criteria.
Gauteng Department of Education
Good Moves Active Schools | Wellness2Life
The Good Moves Active Schools programme which holds the integrated Wellness2Life component, has been implemented in schools since 2020 and commenced with 25 schools and forms part of the broader Gauteng Department of Education Good Moves Active Schools programme. This number grew to 375 in 2022 and will be increased to 800 in term 2 of 2023.
The programme has been endorsed and supported by the DDG Curriculum and the Provincial Directorates of School Sport, Curriculum and School Safety. It is thus a GDE priority and focuses on an integrated approach to holistic learner development both within the curriculum and in the school sport space.
Gauteng schools have committed to full participation in the programme inclusive of in-class delivery, intra-school programmes, inter school activities, reporting and statistical analyses of data. These components are crucial to delivery and sustainability.
Supporting Brands
Good Moves Active Schools | Good Moves Active Schools After School Programme
Sportstec have conceptualised and are currently implementing Nike’s Soweto Active Schools Programme. The programme has been designed as a community engagement initiative whereby systems and structures are setup in primary schools to create sustainable Physical Education solutions aligned with the Department of Educations LO curriculum objectives as well as Nike’s international research ‘Design to Move‘ which empowers young learners (aged 7 – 12 years) to be physical active through 7 fundamental indicators.
Sportstec has also been selected onto Nike’s Global Training Advisory Group which focusses on empower Nike Employees around the world to deliver ‘positive early physical activity experiences to children’ through a global volunteering strategy.